User Agreement
Hawaii ePASRR User agreement:
Please read the following terms of use and indicate that you agree by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Warning: The information contained in the ePASRR Web Application is confidential under State and federal law. Use and disclosure of this information is limited to purposes directly related to the administration of the State of Hawaii and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review program The use and disclosure of this information is also subject to the privacy and security requirements of the Administrative Simplification provisions of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. By entering patient information into ePASRR, users attest that the information is correct and understand that they may be reviewed under federal law if intentionally providing false or untrue information.
Please review the ePASRR User Guide before using the system for the first time.
Attestation and data use agreement: As a registered and enabled ePASRR user, I understand that I am responsible and accountable for:
- Staying informed of the requirements of all applicable privacy laws;
- Ensuring my compliance with the terms of this agreement;
- Using the ePASRR application and the personal identifying/protected health information it contains for patients under my direct care and/or supervision;
- Ensuring the information I enter into ePASRR is true and correct;
- Requesting deactivation of my individual account when I leave the employment under which I am activated/enabled; and
- Ensuring that my individual user ID and password are not shared or disclosed.
Violation of the terms and conditions of this agreement and/or violations of the State and federal confidentiality and privacy Requirements may result in termination of your access to the ePASRR Web Application. Violations may also be reported to the State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services for investigation.